West Bengal Media Forum

Membership Application Form
West Bengal Media Forum

How to Become a Member

West Bengal Media Forum

Membership Norms

To enroll as a Member of the West Bengal Media Forum, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill Out the Membership Application Form: Complete the prescribed form with accurate details.
  2. Attached or Upload Supporting Documents: Attach all required documents as per the checklist provided.
  3. Application Review: The application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee, and approval will be communicated.

Eligibility Norms :

Some General Terms & Conditions for members of West Bengal Media Forum

1. Membership is open for any individual associated with different media platforms irrespective of caste, gender and religion.
2. Zonal or District Level Committees will be formed with representation of dedicated members to be nominated on the basis of leadership qualities, dedication and obligation to the forum.
3. At least 2(Two) members will be selected from the District Level along with the permanent founder members to form the State Committee.
3. Formation of any group either on area, relation or on any other issues will not be entetained.
4. Any member may invite/ welcome others to be the member of the forum, but no one will be allowed to discourage/ demand/ request for dismissal or refusal of any one’s membership or such approach.
5. Any accreditated journalist / press club representative may extend their moral and active support to be the members of the Advisory Committee of the Forum.
6. All members of the forum must abide by the rules, regulations of the forum to be introduced time to time and follow the instructions of the leadership of the concerned committees relating to any issues like participating in meetings, processions, sharing and circulating of common issues.
7. Forum assumes no responsibility for any criminal offence, circulation of fake or biased information or irresponsible/ careless activities that may affect the ideology of the forum. Each member must be careful and concious enough for the better existence of the forum restoring the essential moral and ethical values always.
8. An Internal Disciplinary Committee will be formed to take necessary steps regarding any situation raised on the basis of reliable information/ complain or such issues and the decision to be made by the committee will be final and absolute.

Apply Here


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The West Bengal Media Forum was founded with the vision of fostering excellence in media practices, promoting ethical journalism, and ensuring the welfare of media professionals across the state. The forum actively engages in initiatives that support professional development, uphold freedom of the press, and address the challenges faced by media practitioners.
We aim to strengthen our technical capabilities and organize impactful activities, including workshops, seminars, research, and outreach programs. These efforts are designed to empower media professionals and contribute to a more informed and ethical media landscape.

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মিডিয়া ফোরাম প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছে মিডিয়া প্র্যাকটিসে উৎকর্ষতা সাধন, নৈতিক সাংবাদিকতা প্রচার এবং রাজ্যের মিডিয়া পেশাজীবীদের কল্যাণ নিশ্চিত করার উদ্দেশ্যে। ফোরামটি পেশাদার উন্নয়ন সমর্থন, সাংবাদিকতার স্বাধীনতা রক্ষা এবং মিডিয়া পেশাজীবীদের মুখোমুখি সমস্যাগুলির সমাধানে সক্রিয়ভাবে উদ্যোগ গ্রহণ করে।
আমাদের লক্ষ্য প্রযুক্তিগত সক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি এবং কার্যকরী কর্মকাণ্ড যেমন কর্মশালা, সেমিনার, গবেষণা এবং আউটরিচ প্রোগ্রামগুলি আয়োজন করা। এই প্রচেষ্টা মিডিয়া পেশাজীবীদের ক্ষমতায়ন করতে এবং আরও তথ্যভিত্তিক ও নৈতিক মিডিয়া পরিবেশ গঠনে সহায়ক হবে।